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Create Project

Following the aforementioned step of obtaining the unique activity count, along with the supported outcome and treatment options, the next course of action involves creating a new project while defining the desired outcome and treatment labels.


This endpoint is for creating a new project, and the definition of outcome and treatment is required.

General information

Method Endpoint Request body type Description
POST /project json Outcome and treatment definition, resulting a created project

Request body porperties

event_log_id required int
The ID of the event log to which the definition belongs.
positive_outcome optional list(list(dict(str, Union[str, int])))
The definition of the positive outcome.
negative_outcome optional list(list(dict(str, Union[str, int])))
The definition of the negative outcome, and it is mutually exclusive with the positive outcome. You can only specify one of them.
treatment required list(list(dict(str, Union[str, int])))
The definition of the treatment.
parameters optional dict(str, dict[str, Any])
Custom parameters for plugins
additional_info optional dict(str, dict[str, Any])
Custom additional info for plugins

Note: The parameters and additional_info are optional. Using these properties, you can define the parameters of the model and additional information for the plugin. Please refer to Set Parameters and Update Additional Info for details.

Especially, if you would like to use a defult plugin causallift-resource, then you need to provide available_resources and treatment_duration as additional_info for this plugin.


Following column definitions supports these predefined evaluation operators for outcome and treatment evaluation:

  • TEXT (also for ACTIVITY and RESOURCE)
    • EQUAL
  • NUMBER (also for DURATION and COST)
    • EQUAL
    • IS_TRUE
    • IS_FALSE
    • EQUAL
    • IS

For each types of the definition, the corresponding values are described as below:

The value should be a string.


  • "A"

The value should be a number, or a number string.


  • 1
  • 2.2
  • "1"
  • "2.2"

The value is not required.

If you provide a value, it will be ignored, since the operator is IS_TRUE or IS_FALSE.

The value should be a valid date time string, which conforms to the ISO 8601 standard.


  • "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z"
  • "2013-10-21T13:28:06.419Z"

The value should be a string.

So instead of 0, you should use "0", and instead of 1, you should use "1".

The default unit is second, and the value should be a number, or a number string. The number should be positive, and it only allows up to 2 decimal places.

If you want to use other unit, you can use the following format: value unit.

Supported units and their abbreviations are:

  • month: months, month, mo, m
  • week: weeks, week, wk, w
  • day: days, day, d
  • hour: hours, hour, hr, h
  • minute: minutes, minute, min, m
  • second: seconds, second, sec, s


  • 22
  • "123"
  • "1 month"
  • "2 weeks"
  • "1 d"
  • "2 hours"
  • "3 min"
  • "4 sec"
When the column field is filled with DURATION (uppercase), then the program will calculate the duration of each case if there is no duration data defined in the original event log.

For example, if you want to define the outcome as Offer sent activity happened, you can select Action column (the name is from your original event log), and select EQUAL as the operator, and choose Offer sent as the value. Since Action is defined as ACTIVITY in the previous step, PrCore will know it is an activity column, and based on the convention, the ACTIVITY (as TEXT) supports the EQUAL operator, so it is valid.

"positive_outcome": [
        "column": "Action",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": "Offer sent"

If you prefer to define the negative outcome, you can specify the negative_outcome field, and use the same format as the positive_outcome field. Please note that they are mutually exclusive, you can only specify one of them.

PrCore will evaluate the event log, and find out whether the Offer sent activity happened in any event, if it happened, then it knows the event’s belonging case has positive outcome, otherwise, it has negative outcome. PrCore will use this information to train the model.

Regarding treatment, for example, if you want to define the treatment as Change application type activity happened, you can select column Action, and select EQUAL as the operator, and choose Change application type as the value.

"treatment": [
        "column": "Action",
        "operator": "EQUAL",
        "value": "Change application type"

PrCore will use this information to check whether a case has the treatment, for the use of some casuality-based algorithms. Also, it will return the treatment information in the prescription result.


If the outcome/treatment label in a dataset contains only one class (i.e., all cases are either negative or positive), certain algorithms may not be compatible as they expect training data with two classes (1 and 0).

When utilizing the definition, PrCore will search for any event in a case that satisfies the condition. If a case meets the criteria, it will be counted as having a positive outcome/undergoing treatment. This means that certain definitions may result in all cases being classified as positive/negative.

If a dataset only contains one class for outcome or treatment, certain plugins may be marked as “ERROR” and will be ignored during the prescribing process. However, other plugins will continue to function normally, allowing the user to still obtain some results.

Request body example

This is an example of the request body. The positive_outcome is an array of arrays. Each array is a condition. The conditions are connected with OR operator. The conditions in each array are connected with AND operator. This example means that the positive outcome is when the activity is A and the duration is less than 100, or the activity is B.

The treament definition is similar to the positive_outcome definition.

    "event_log_id": 123456,
    "positive_outcome": [
                "column": "Action",
                "operator": "EQUAL",
                "value": "A",
                "column": "DUARTION",
                "operator": "LESS_THAN",
                "value": 100
                "column": "Personnel",
                "operator": "EQUAL",
                "value": "B"
    "treatment": [
                "column": "Action",
                "operator": "EQUAL",
                "value": "C"
    "additional_info": {
        "plugin-causallift-resource-allocation": {
            "available_resources": [
            "treatment_duration": "1h"


In the response, a project object will be returned, which can be used later.

    "message": "Project created successfully",
    "project": {
        "name": "",
        "description": null,
        "status": "PREPROCESSING",
        "id": 20,
        "created_at": "2023-03-04T09:26:36.572249+00:00",
        "updated_at": null,
        "error": null,
        "event_log": {
            "file_name": "",
            "id": 21,
            "created_at": "2023-03-04T08:56:29.577241+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2023-03-04T09:10:52.987641+00:00",
            "definition": {
                "columns_definition": {
                    "Case ID": "CASE_ID",
                    "Activity": "ACTIVITY",
                    "REG_DATE": "DATETIME",
                    "Resource": "RESOURCE",
                    "end_time": "END_TIMESTAMP",
                    "AMOUNT_REQ": "NUMBER",
                    "start_time": "START_TIMESTAMP"
                "case_attributes": [
                    "Case ID",
                "outcome_definition": [
                            "column": "Activity",
                            "operator": "EQUAL",
                            "value": "A_APPROVED"
                "treatment_definition": [
                            "column": "Activity",
                            "operator": "EQUAL",
                            "value": "O_SENT_BACK"
                "fast_mode": true,
                "start_transition": "START",
                "complete_transition": "COMPLETE",
                "abort_transition": "ATE_ABORT",
                "id": 21,
                "created_at": "2023-03-04T09:10:52.970059+00:00",
                "updated_at": "2023-03-04T09:26:36.564989+00:00"
        "plugins": []
    "result_key": null