PrCore Documentation
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Training workflow

The core will send a request to the plugin to start the training workflow. This phase will be divided into several steps.

Dataset sharing

When a new project is created, firstly the core will start preprocessing of the dataset in the background. When the preprocessing is done, the core will send a request to the plugin to share the dataset with the plugin. The plugin will respond with the dataset, to tell the core that if the plugin is applicable for the dataset. During this phase, the core project will be in PREPROCESSING status.

    Consumer->>Core: Create project through API
    Core-->>Consumer: Project created
    Core->>Plugin: TRAINING_DATA
    Plugin-->>Core: DATA_REPORT


The core will share the dataset information in the following format:

    "project_id": 123,
    "plugin_id": 345,
    "training_df_name": "radom-string",
    "additional_info": {}


After the plugin receives the dataset, it will process the dataset and return the result to the core. The result will be in the following format:

    "project_id": 123,
    "plugin_id": 345,
    "applicable": true

Then the core application will add the plugin to the project, and mark the plugin as PREPROCESSING status.

Training phase

In this phase, the core will not send any request to the plugin (except for the ONLINE_INQUIRY request). The plugin will start the training phase, and report the progress to the core.

    Plugin-)Core: TRAINING_START
    Plugin-)Core: MODEL_NAME


When the plugin preprocessing is done, it will tell the core that it has started the training phase. The core will then mark the plugin as TRAINING status. If all plugins are in TRAINING status, the core will mark the project as TRAINING status.

    "project_id": 123,
    "plugin_id": 345


When the plugin training is done, it will tell the core the name of the model file. The core will then mark the plugin as TRAINED status. If all plugins are in TRAINED status, the core will mark the project as TRAINED status, which indicates that the project is ready to be used.

    "project_id": 123,
    "plugin_id": 345,
    "model_name": "random-string.pkl"