If you don’t need to change the columns definition, you can skip this step.
If you think the columns definition is not suitable for your project, you can change it. The procedure is very similar with the columns-definition step in the Upload Event Log section.
It is only possible to change the column definitions after the previous training has been completed.
Once the column definitions have been altered, the outcome and treatment definitions will be removed, requiring the user to redefine them once again.
Following the change of column definitions, the project status will be updated to WAITING, as it will be awaiting the new outcome and treatment definitions. Upon receiving all of the required definitions, the pre-processing and training tasks will recommence from the beginning. If there is an ongoing simulation of streaming data, it will automatically be terminated, and the project will not accept any streaming data until the new training has been completed.
Get basic information of the event log
The only difference is that you can get the basic information of the event log via the API before you update the definition.
You may not need to get the basic information of the event log, if your application already has the information.
Here we need use the event_log_id to get the definition of the columns.
Get columns definition
Please note that there is no columns_inferred_definition in the response, instead, there is a columns_old_definition which is the old definition of the columns.